Sunday, August 19, 2012

Crystal and Chain Bib Necklace Tutorial


Supply List
  • 2 ½ feet of 4MM Rolo Chain (cable chain works as well)*
  • 1 Tierra Cast Toggle closure
  • 17 Pear Shaped beads 9x12MM (Shimmer Crystal)*
  • 81 Round 8MM Shimmer Crystal Beads*
  • 17 Head Pins
  • 22 Gauge German wire
  • 52 Eye pins
  • One set of Fish hook ear wires
  • 2 heavy duty 6MM jump rings
  • Package of 3MM round beads in matching metal tone
  • General supplies:
  • Wire Cutters, Round Nose Pliers, Chain Nose Pliers, Bent Nose Pliers


  1. Begin by measuring your neck to determine desired length, keeping in mind that this necklace should fit close to the base of your neck to lay correctly, and that the closure can add as much as an inch to the length.
  2. Cut Chain to desired length, Add closure to both sides and double check fit prior to adding beads.
  3. Cut fifteen 3 ½ inch lengths of the wire, and set aside. Cut a 75 link piece of chain from remaining piece, and set aside.
  4. Identify center link of chain necklace, and 75 link cut piece of chain. Begin by turning a wire wrapped loop to attach the beads and chain, start a wrapped loop, but do not close, until you have threaded the loop onto the center link of chain, then wrap to close the loop. Add one 8MM round crystal and a 3MM round bead onto wire, find the center link of the 75 link section of chain you cut previously and thread onto wire, then add another 3MM bead, and an 8MM crystal, then turn another wire wrapped loop to begin the center bib section.
  5. Now you will need to make 14 additional sections, to match the first, but connect to the chain 5 links from the last, spreading out from center. Attach the bottom chain in the same manner (5 links from the first one), you will be making a total of 15 sections, and should use up all 75 links of chain, there will be 3 empty links between each bead section.
  6. Load 17 pear shaped crystal beads onto 17 head pins, and turn an eye loop at the top of each. Set pieces aside.
  7. In the same fashion you will now need to load 49, 8MM round crystals onto 49 eye pins, and turn an eye loop to match the factory turned loop on the eye pin. Set aside pieces.
  8. Now connect 7 of the 8MM crystal eye loop sections together, by gently opening the eye loops to the side with the chain nose pliers, connect this section to the center loop section, then add 1 pear shaped crystal dangle to the end, to form the center (longest) dangle section.
  9. Create two more dangle sections by connecting 6 of the 8MM crystal eye loops together for each dangle, attach one pear dangle to the bottom of each, then attach the top to the right and left of the center beaded loops of the necklace.
  10. Repeat, lessening each dangle section by one bead, creating two the same length each time, add from center out (for balance), for a total of 13 linked dangles. Simply add a pear dangle to the last sections of the beaded base of the necklace.
  11. To form the earrings, connect each remaining pear dangle to an 8MM round crystal dangle, then connect the round/pear section to the left over chain, connect the other round/pear section to the opposite end of the chain, hold up to your ear, and trim to desired length, add fishhook ear wire to the end of the chain, by gently opening to the side, sliding on the chain and closing.

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