Sunday, September 2, 2012

Kumihimo Gone Wild Necklace

  • 3-4 colors of 2MM satin cording 24ft total (4 strands 6ft long each)
  • C-Lon cording Tex 210 size .5 MM in diameter (in coordinating color)
  • 8 styles of top drilled Czech glass, and or top drilled seed beads in varying sizes and shapes, 32 of each color and style of bead, for a total of 256 beads. (model uses 3 colors of Long Magatama seed beads, 1 style of 8MM top drilled flat coin, 2 colors of 5x9MM tear drops, 1 color of 9x14MM tear drop, 1 style of top drilled leaf (leaf style bead was difficult, tear drops much easier).
  • 1 Kumihimo Toggle clasp with cone ends 8MM wide in diameter
  • 2 Large Cones 10MM or so in diameter
  • 6 -8 inches of 22 wire gauge
  • 3 jump rings (heavy duty 6MM)
  • General Supplies: Scissors, Chain nose pliers, Round nose pliers, Side cutters, E6000, Bead fix Glue (used to turn end of C-Lon cording hard like a needle and to prevent fraying), and one rubber band.
  • 8 Re-usable bobbins for cording, (*optional but highly recommended).

Directions: Satin Kumihimo Braided section

  1. Begin by cutting 4 pieces of satin cording each 6ft long. With a piece of the C-Lon cording tie the 4 cords together in the center. Push the tied end of the cording through the center of the Kumihimo disk; wind each of the 8 ends of cording onto a bobbin.
  2. Place your cords in the slots on each side of the “N” (north), “S” (south), “E” (east), and “W” (west) positions on the Kumihimo wheel. (Recommend attaching a weight to a string and tying onto start knot to weigh down braid and create tension on the lines)
  3. Once wheel is loaded, take the cord from the right of the “N” in notch 1 and lift it over and lay it into the notch between 14 and 15 (at the right of the bottom cord). Now take the cord at the bottom in notch 17 and lift it up and over the disk and put it into the notch between 30 and 31 (to the left of the single cord at the top). You have completed the first move.
  4. Turn the disk counter clockwise one quarter turn, so that “E” is now farthest away from you.
  5. As you did in step 3, take the right hand cord farthest from you and bring it over and put it in the slot to the right of the cord farthest from you and bring it over and put it in the slot to the right of the cords at the bottom and lift it over the disk and put it to the left of the cord at the top between 6 and 7. Turn the disk one quarter turn counter clockwise.
  6. Repeat steps 3, 4, and 5, until you have created a 10-12 inch braid.
  7. To finish, temporarily wrap a rubber band around the braid close to the end. Now, either glue the ends to each other, or stitch ends together with needle and thread.
  8. Use the E6000 to glue the ends of the cord into the cones of the Kumihimo toggle clasp. Set aside this portion of the necklace.

Directions: Beaded Kumihimo section of necklace

  1. Cut 8 pieces of C-Lon cord 4ft long, wind onto bobbins. Seal the ends of the C-Lon cord from fraying and to make the cord stiff like a needle, by touching the end of the cord with Bead fix glue and letting it harden (each cord).
  2. Load 32 beads (all one color/style) onto each of the 8 cords.
  3. Tie all eight cords together with a simple over hand knot, then feed the knot through the center of the Kumihimo disk, and place your cords in the slots on each side of the “N” (north), “S” (south), “E” (east), and “W” (west) positions on the Kumihimo wheel. (recommend attaching a weight to a string and tying onto start knot to weigh down braid and create tension on the lines)
  4. Begin by braiding in the same manner as you did with the satin, until you have made one trip around the wheel.
  5. Continue braiding, only now you will need to slide one bead down into the braid as you go, being sure to tuck each bead just underneath the previous perpendicular cord, to “lock” it into place.
  6. Braid until you have used all of your pre-strung beads, and made an extra turn around the wheel with no beads. To finish take each pair of cords, off of the wheel (2 at a time) and tie them into a tight knot, cut off excess length.
  7. Now that you have finished the beaded braid, you will want to cut 2 pieces of the wire into two 6” lengths.
  8. Using your round nose pliers, turn a 90 degree bend into the wire about 1 ½ inches from one end, then bend the wire up over and around the round nose pliers to create a loop. Slide the end of the wire through the end knot, and then wrap the tail of the wire around the stem, to lock in the beaded braid and create a wire wrapped loop. Add one bead cap onto the wire and slide over the knot to conceal your mechanics, turn another wrapped eye loop adding the lobster claw or ring prior to the final wrap.
  9. Repeat step 8 on the opposite side. Use jump rings to connect the cone end of the satin braided cord to the cone end of the beaded braid cone end. Use Jump rings to attach the round end of the clasp to the opposite side of the beaded braid and attach the bar end of the toggle to the satin braid, to create the closure and finish.
* Dazzle-it Kumihimo Braiding Loom & Kumihimo Satin Cording buy one get one free! (Discount taken off lower marked item). Beadtini Bar 4 for $10 (reg $3.99 a container). Entire Stock of Gemstones 50% off white tag price. Sale ends Sunday, September 16th, 2012.

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