Monday, January 28, 2013

Countdown Calendar

Countdown Calendar 

How fun to countdown to your favorite holiday!
You can create a birthday countdown, Easter, St Patrick's day, Halloween, Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Each block calender has 12 sides to either place the months on them or choose your favorite holiday to countdown to!

· Wood Block set (Don-4)
· Black acrylic paint
· Teresa Collins “Vintage Findings” paper
· Thickers “Rockabye” glitter stickers
· Paper Accents Calendar Stickers months and numbers (ADP10001)
· Pioneer embellishment glue stick

Birthday Countdown
· Acrylic paint to match your paper
· My Birthday pack from Echo Park
· Thickers pink or green
· Pioneer embellishment glue stick
· Wood skewers  for “Wish” banner
· Small popsicle stick for Birthday sticker
1. Paint wood calendar with black acrylic paint.
2. Cut paper to fit each square on the block and each rectangle block piece.
3. Glue on using the Pioneer embellishment glue stick
4. Cut paper to fit the outside and inside of the wood holder then glue using glue stick.
5. Add month stickers to all rectangle blocks. Then add numbers to square blocks.
Birthday Countdown
1. Follow instructions for the calendar above, except for adding the month stickers.
2. To create the “days till my birthday” I used a word program, Times new roman font at 14 size. Cut paper to fit rectangle block and glue using glue stick.
3. Included in your paper pack is a sticker pack. The “Wish sign was created out of the stickers then I punched mini holes in the banner and strung it with bakers twine. I used skewers to hold up the sign.
4. Glue skewers to the wood holder using E6000. Let it set a couple hours.
5. To make the sticker on the “Happy Birthday” sticker I used a popsicle stick to hold on to the back of the wood holder.

1 comment:

  1. Month stickers offer a awesome way to personalize your child's memory records while you take monthly pictures of your child in the first year of his life.


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