Friday, January 13, 2012

Rosette & Twigs on Canvas!

Rosette & Twigs on Canvas!

2 - 12x12 Canvas
Bundle of sticks
Molding paste
Plastic painters spatula
Paint brush
GOLDEN fluid acrylics Cobalt Teal, Cobalt Turquoise & Burnt Umber Light
Book page paper
E6000 glue
Glue Gun
  1. Start by applying your molding paste to the canvas. I used a plastic  painters spatula to apply paste. I wanted the canvas to have dimension so I left lines in the paste.
  2.  Then let canvas dry over night
  3. Next I applied the fluid acrylic paint starting with the Cobalt Turquoise. I brushed on the color on both canvases.After the first color dries. Add your second color (Cobalt Teal) make sure your paint brush only has a small amount of paint and lightly brush scattered areas of the canvas.
  4. Wait about a hour and add your final coat using (Burnt Umber Light). In this last step you really want to have a very small amount on your brush. Lightly stroke side to side to give you canvas a rustic look.
  5. After all your paint dries you are ready to make your rosettes. Take a page out of a old book or you can also use scrap booking paper. Cut you paper in a 6" circle. 
  6. Cut your circle like a spiral
  7. Slowly coil your paper starting on the out side of your spiral until you get to the center of your circle. Hot glue flower to the middle of the circle.    
  8. Place your twigs on your canvas and glue down with E6000
  9. Then glue your flower rosettes on to canvas using E6000.


  1. I love this project, it's so modern and stylish, but totally easy to do! Love that!

  2. This is simply gorgeous girlie!!! Like outta a magazine for a billion dollars!!! I love it a lot!
    Hope you are blessed this weekend!

  3. I can not find these colors anywhere this brand either for the paints any suggestions?

  4. This project looks amazing.. can you tell me which Molding paste did you use?

    1. Ann, thanks for the comment! I believe it is the Golden Acrylic Molding Paste. But you can use any molding paste brand and it will work the same.


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