I was in our Salem Craft Warehouse store when I saw this rubber band bracelet and fell in love with the crystals and had to find out how it was done!
Rubber Band Bracelet of your choice
Strand of Crystals (in the color of your choice, this one is done with silver)
Beadalon Elasticity .05mm String
Jump Rings
1. Create the bracelet of your choice.
2. When finished, knot Elasticity thread to a jump ring. Thread five crystals on the Elasticity thread.
3. Attach the jump ring to the end of the bracelet. Then thread the string through your bracelet and have the crystals sit on the front of your design.
4. Begin weaving the thread again through the back and to the front. Place five more crystals on the thread and weave the end to the back again.
Design created by Brietta in our Salem store
5. Continue weaving and adding crystals to the bracelet until you reach the end. Knot the end of the thread to another jump ring. Add jewelry glue to the knot to keep it in place. Trim the excess of the thread.
Wear and enjoy!
Cool! I will have to tell my granddaughter about using beads in her creations. Nice twist!